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This Home Page is designed to help students find their Fire Technology courses that I teach both online courses as well as Campus courses. Online couses will utilize CANVAS as our online classroom.

The links on the left, will help guide you to necessary information to get started in registering for a fire technology course as well as a quick method to contact me.

The EIGHT links to the right under Course Websites will direct you to the fire technology courses I am teaching. Each corresponding Webpage will contain the most current information related to that course, as well as helpful links to get started.

NOTE: Presently, all Fire Technology courses, with the exception of EMT, are being offered as Online courses only.

This arrangment can be flexible. So it is always best to review the current catalog to discover when and where these courses are being offered for any given semester.

I hope you find this site both useful and helpful. That said, I am looking forward to seeing you in class!